Boost your immune system this winter

Boost your immune system this winter

Eating to boost your immune system this winter

When it comes to diet, there is no strong evidence that links one particular food to cold and ‘flu prevention. However, there are a number of foods that are important for supporting a healthy immune system.

Keep in mind that the best thing you can do to strengthen your immune system is to make healthy lifestyle choices. Getting enough sleep, keeping active and having a nutrient rich diet can all help during cold and ‘flu season.

Brightly coloured foods help fight off the flu

Eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables that are brightly coloured can help ensure you are getting ideal amounts of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to support a healthy immune system.

  • Red fruits and vegetables like capsicum, tomato, strawberries and radishes contain antioxidants like anthocyanins, lycopene and flavonols.
  • Green fruit and vegetables contain a range of phytochemicals including carotenoids and flavonoids. Leafy greens also contain folate, an important B-group vitamin.
  • Yellow and orange produce get their vibrant colour from carotenoids. Folate, potassium and vitamin C are also often found in orange and yellow fruits and vegetables.
  • Purple-blue fruits and vegetales like red cabbage, eggplant and blueberries are rich in antioxidants and flavonoids.
  • White and brown fruits and vegetables are an important source of health-promoting phytochemicals such as allicin (found in garlic) and anthoxanthins. Bananas and potatoes, are also a good source of potassium, vitamin C, folate, niacin and riboflavin.

2 serves of fruit and 5 serves of vegetables a day is recommended but this is a challenge for many of us to meet. Here are some quicks tips for upping your intake of fruit and vegetables over the winter months.

Getting to 5 serves of vegetables a day

  • Get started at breakfast by adding spinach, tomato and mushrooms to an omelette or side of eggs.
  • Snack on a small tin of salt reduced baked beans throughout the day.
  • Making a sauce or casserole – add finely chopped carrots, celery and capsicum browning onions and garlic. Stir through baby spinach and mushrooms toward the end of the cooking time
  • Make a large pot of vegetable based soup on the weekend to use over the next few days for lunches and dinner. Add lentils for extra protein and fibre and choose reduced salt stocks to keep the salt content to a minimum
  • Keep frozen vegetables in your freezer for a convenient way to add vegetables to your meal without much preparation. Frozen vegetables are just as nutritious as fresh vegetables and do not contain added salt which canned vegetables often do.

Tips for increasing fruit intake

  • Add fruit to your breakfast – Try chopped pear and dates in porridge or cereal.
  • Make a breakfast smoothie by blending a banana, berries, oats and milk.
  • Keep a bag of frozen berries in your freezer for inspiration – add to yoghurt and baked goods for an antioxidant boost.
  • Fruit makes a fantastic morning or afternoon tea snack at work. At the start of the week take a few pieces along and store them in the fridge for the week.


Specific nutrients to boost your immunity


Zinc is crucial for the normal development and functioning of our immunity cells and antibodies. It’s best to get zinc from food sources as supplements can interfere with the absorption of other nutrients such as iron and copper.

Meat, fish and poultry are the major contributors of zinc to the diet but wholegrain cereals, fortified cereals, nuts and dairy foods also contribute substantial amounts.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is important for maintaining a strong immune system. If you are having 2 serves of fruit and 5 serves of vegetables then you will be getting an adequate amount of vitamin C in your diet.

Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin which means it can’t be stored by the body. This means you need to replace it daily by consuming vitamin C rich fruits and vegetables.

Top ten healthy snack ideas

Morbi interdum mollis sapien. Sed ac risus. Phasellus lacinia, magna a ullamcorper laoreet, lectus arcu pulvinar risus, vitae facilisis libero dolor a purus. Sed vel lacus. Mauris nibh felis, adipiscing varius, adipiscing in, lacinia vel, tellus. Suspendisse ac urna. Etiam pellentesque mauris ut lectus. Nunc tellus ante, mattis eget, gravida vitae, ultricies ac, leo. Integer leo pede, ornare a, lacinia eu, vulputate vel, nisl.

Suspendisse mauris. Fusce accumsan mollis eros. Pellentesque a diam sit amet mi ullamcorper vehicula. Integer adipiscing risus a sem. Nullam quis massa sit amet nibh viverra malesuada. Nunc sem lacus, accumsan quis, faucibus non, congue vel, arcu. Ut scelerisque hendrerit tellus. Integer sagittis. Vivamus a mauris eget arcu gravida tristique. Nunc iaculis mi in ante. Vivamus imperdiet nibh feugiat est.

Ut convallis, sem sit amet interdum consectetuer, odio augue aliquam leo, nec dapibus tortor nibh sed augue. Integer eu magna sit amet metus fermentum posuere. Morbi sit amet nulla sed dolor elementum imperdiet. Quisque fermentum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque adipiscing eros ut libero. Ut condimentum mi vel tellus. Suspendisse laoreet. Fusce ut est sed dolor gravida convallis. Morbi vitae ante. Vivamus ultrices luctus nunc. Suspendisse et dolor. Etiam dignissim. Proin malesuada adipiscing lacus. Donec metus. Curabitur gravida.

Eating lunch at your desk. Is it healthy?

Sed egestas, ante et vulputate volutpat, eros pede semper est, vitae luctus metus libero eu augue. Morbi purus libero, faucibus adipiscing, commodo quis, gravida id, est. Sed lectus. Praesent elementum hendrerit tortor. Sed semper lorem at felis. Vestibulum volutpat, lacus a ultrices sagittis, mi neque euismod dui, eu pulvinar nunc sapien ornare nisl. Phasellus pede arcu, dapibus eu, fermentum et, dapibus sed, urna.

Morbi interdum mollis sapien. Sed ac risus. Phasellus lacinia, magna a ullamcorper laoreet, lectus arcu pulvinar risus, vitae facilisis libero dolor a purus. Sed vel lacus. Mauris nibh felis, adipiscing varius, adipiscing in, lacinia vel, tellus. Suspendisse ac urna. Etiam pellentesque mauris ut lectus. Nunc tellus ante, mattis eget, gravida vitae, ultricies ac, leo. Integer leo pede, ornare a, lacinia eu, vulputate vel, nisl.

Suspendisse mauris. Fusce accumsan mollis eros. Pellentesque a diam sit amet mi ullamcorper vehicula. Integer adipiscing risus a sem. Nullam quis massa sit amet nibh viverra malesuada. Nunc sem lacus, accumsan quis, faucibus non, congue vel, arcu. Ut scelerisque hendrerit tellus. Integer sagittis. Vivamus a mauris eget arcu gravida tristique. Nunc iaculis mi in ante. Vivamus imperdiet nibh feugiat est.

Food and Behaviour Workshops


Poor food choices among young children correlated with increased risk of injury.


To educate early childhood staff and parents on the effects that food has on the behaviour of young children through the Serious Injuries Grant – Food and Behaviour Workshops 2007-2010 -supported by the Qld Government Department of Communities and 2010-2013, supported by the Qld Government, Department of Education and Training, Office for Early Childhood Education and Care


120 workshops run state-wide over the 6 year period on the effects of food on behaviour to a combined target group of early childhood educators and parents of 0-5 year old children.

More Information

Impact Program – Make Your Mark


The Smith Family Impact Program works with vulnerable students to make sure they have the aspirations and skills to transition from high school to further education or work.


Nutrition Australia supported Impact by delivering a 5 session program after school which included training and assessment to Follow Workplace Hygiene Procedures as well as a practical cooking experiences.


29 students successfully completed all requirements and achieved a Statement of Attainment to Follow Workplace Hygiene Procedures. This certificate provides excellent skills for those looking to work in any business that serves food.

Students also gained practical cooking skills to prepare easy, economical, healthy meals and snacks at home

Fit and Fuelled Kids


Ipswich was named one of the unhealthiest cities in Qld, with chronic disease and obesity on the rise. The need for structured nutrition and physical activity education became evident


NAQ partnered with Ipswich City Council to deliver student and teacher cooking workshops, tuckshop assessments and parent/teacher information sessions within local primary schools


NAQ delivered cooking workshops and information sessions to students, teacher and parents in Ipswich developing their cooking skills, improving food choices, empowering with health knowledge and lowering risk the of poor health

GOLD and Older and Bolder


Low cost, locally-based, social and educational activities for over 50’s


NAQ partners with Brisbane City and Morten Bay Regional Councils to deliver nutritional cooking workshops, supermarket tours and information sessions throughout the year. Cooking workshop theme’s include ‘Low salt, low sugar, high taste’, ‘All Italian’ and ‘Christmas Classics’


NAQ provides approx. 20 cooking workshops each year to seniors 50 years and older, helping develop their cooking skills, improving food choices, empowering with health knowledge and lowering risk the of poor health

Gold ‘n Kids, Chill Out, SHAFT


Low cost, locally-based, social and educational activities for primary school aged children and teenagers held during the school holidays


NAQ partners with Brisbane City and Moreten Bay Regional Councils to deliver fun, nutritional cooking workshops, involving participation and education, throughout the year. Workshop theme’s include ‘healthy school lunches’, ‘best breakfasts’ and ‘master meals’


NAQ provides approx. 15 cooking workshops each year to primary school-aged children and teenagers, helping to develop their cooking skills, improving food choices, empowering with health knowledge and lowering risk the of poor health

Improving healthy eating and lifestyle choices among unaccompanied minors (2006-2009)


Newly arrived refugee boys arriving in Australia as unaccompanied minors, struggled to care and cook for themselves putting them on a path to poor health and chronic disease


NAQ partnered with Yeronga State High School to develop the knowledge and skills of unaccompanied minors to make healthy eating and lifestyle choices


NAQ delivered a series of workshops for unaccompanied minors during homework club. The workshops were interactive, highly visual and included nutrition education, food safety and “hands-on” cooking skills workshops

A healthy lifestyle program


socially isolated, newly arrived, refugee mothers were struggling to learn English and to make healthy lifestyle choices for themselves and their families


naq developed a 7 session educational program covering diabetes, healthy eating, shopping, food safety, school lunches, activity, oral health. Providing information, learning guide, recipes, worksheets, readers, cooking and time to socialise


Program delivered at Acacia Ridge and Districts Community Centre and at St Paul’s Catholic Primary School Woodridge

Settlement Grants Program (2005 – 2010)


Newly arrived refugees were choosing unhealthy foods setting them on a path to poor health and chronic disease


Nutrition Australia Qld partnered with local Brisbane school and community organisations at Inala to engage refugee mothers through preparing healthy food – building cooking skills, health knowledge and English


Nutrition Australia Qld has delivered 120 cooking workshops supporting over 200 refugee families – improving food choices, empowering with knowledge and English, lowering risk the of poor health and supporting the settlement process

Healthy Communities Initiative


Nutrition education activities for disadvantaged adults in Brisbane


NAQ partnered with Brisbane City Council delivering nutritional cooking workshops and supermarket tours for disadvantaged groups across Brisbane


Workshops and tours provided an interactive, education tool within a social environment, helping to develop confidence with cooking, improving food choices and empowering with positive health information

Bowled Over By Good Food


Qld Cricket identified the poor food choices available at many sporting clubs were inconsistent with healthy lifestyle messages supporting good nutrition and physical activity.


To make the healthy choices the easy choices at selected Qld cricket clubs by guiding and supporting the introduction and promotion of healthy food choices through the Bowled Over by Good Food Project (2009-2010). Project funded by Qld Government Department of Communities community partnership grants program.


All cricket clubs in this project moved towards creating environments more supportive of healthy eating. Through experience gained in this and previous food supply implementation projects (e.g. Smart Choices and A Better Choice) and other projects with sporting clubs, we are now valued partners in the Qld Dept of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing’s “Food for Sport” Implementation Project and the Australian Drug Foundations Good Sports + Healthy Eating Accreditation Program for sporting clubs

Southside Education


Lack of nutritional awareness for students at this community access school in Brisbane offering marginalised young women the chance to complete secondary school education. Many students are young mothers.


A 12 month whole of school education program was developed and delivered to school lunch cooks, teachers, all students, crèche staff and as well, a 4 week “feeding kids” young mum’s program to help improve the health and wellbeing of students and their children now and into the future.


Implementation of onsite healthy school lunchtime food program.
Nutrition education, cooking and shopping education workshops for all students
Delivery of Teachers professional development and nutrition education resources for teachers.

Menu planning and food and behaviour workshops for onsite crèche staff.

Smart Choices


In response to the rising rates of overweight and obesity, Qld schools needed framework to create whole of school environments that support healthy eating.

Schools needed support to implement Qld Government’s mandatory “ Smart Choices healthy Food and Drink Supply Strategy”.


We provided key input into the development of the Qld Government’s Smart Choices Healthy Food and Drink Supply Strategy as a key member of the Smart Choices technical and implementation reference groups (2004-present).

Smart Choices implementation partner, funded to provide expert advice, training and resources to support schools implementing the strategy.


Development of Nutrition in Schools support service including telephone and email enquiry lines, resources for canteens, fundraising and teachers, fact sheets, recipes, case studies, menu reviews, newsletters, canteen convenor training workshops.

Maternity Ward Menu Assessment


Pregnant and breastfeeding have increased energy, protein and micro-nutrient requirements, including those with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus


Nutrition Australia Qld assesses the menu in line with the Qld Health Nutrition Standards for Meals and Menus. We provide recommendations and support to improve food service provision to all maternity patients


The hospital we worked with responded well to our recommendations, and have implemented changes to improve the food options provided to all their maternity patients

Menu Assessments for Aged Care Facilities


Malnutrition is a significant issue – research indicates, 50% of Residential Aged Care Facility (RACF) residents are malnourished.

Food is also an important part of a quality life for people living in residential care. Many facilities require the expert input of an Aged Care Dietitian to develop to maintain suitable menus.


Nutrition Australia Qld assesses facility menus and foodservice in line with the Commonwealth Accreditation Standards. We provide recommendations and support to improve food service provision to their residents


The RACF’s we have worked with have responded well to our recommendations and support, and have worked towards improving the food options they provide to residents

Aged Care Nutrition Advisory Service


Malnutrition is a significant issue – research indicates, 40% of community living adults are at risk of malnutrition or are malnourished and 50% of Residential Aged Care Facility (RACF) residents are malnourished .

The negative consequences of malnutrition can severely affect a persons quality of life, independence and health status and place an increased burden on RACFs and community carers.


Our Aged Care Nutrition Advisory Service provides a range of services for RACFs and respite centres to assist in the prevention and management of malnutrition, including, menu assessments, staff professional development and training and resources and information


Our Aged Care Nutrition Advisory Service has provided services for over 15 years and currently works with 120 RACF’s in Queensland

Healthy Food Healthy Planet


Need identified for free community access to dietitian approved menu plans, recipes and other healthy lifestyle resources


To produce a community nutrition website and facebook page managed and updated by accredited practicing dietitians


The Healthy Food Healthy Planet website currently provides free access to resources such as menu plans, recipes and nutrition related fact sheets. A facebook page directs the public to the website. The facebook page has experienced a steady growth of fans since its inception – currently 307 fans provide a potential reach of over 110 000 friends of fans

Boarding School Menu Assessments


Eating habits formed during formative years shape lifelong eating habits. Many Qld boarding schools provide too many choices that are high in fat, added sugar and salt. Healthy eating improves student health and performance in the classroom.


Through our Food Smart Schools Program Boarding Schools can have their menus assessed by our nutrition experts and receive advice and support to improve the options they provide to their students.


The boarding schools we have worked with have responded well to our advice and support and have worked towards improving the options they provide to boarders helping schools and students to better achieve their learning goals.

Food Smart Schools Program


A single information and support service providing nutrition information and resources to the whole of school community did not exist in Qld.


We developed and launched the Food Smart Schools program in 2011 including a FREE subscriber service offering information and resources and telephone support for all members of the school community including tuckshops, principals, parent groups, teachers, school nurses, parents and students.

Development of user pays services including detailed tuckshop menu assessments, teacher professional development sessions, nutrition education and cooking workshops, food safety supervisor training, healthy school makeovers boarding school menu reviews.


700 new subscribers who have access to monthly e-newsletters and information relating to healthy canteen menus, positive fundraisers, teacher classroom rewards, lesson plans, lunchbox ideas, recipes and case studies.

Nutrition for Outside School Hours Care Program


To support OSHC facilitators in their role of providing and promoting healthy and safe foods and drinks to students attending their setting.


NAQ’s NOSHC program is Qld’s leading program for nutrition information, food safety tips, recipes and more. Our team of dietitians, nutritionists and health promotion officers are the experts in providing up to date and practical information to facilitators.

External menu assessments are conducted to provide detailed feedback to facilitators on ways to improve their menus and ensure their menus are consistent with messages within the Smart Choice Healthy Food and Drink Supply Strategy.


  • Over 250 members state wide
  • 50 external menu assessments completed each year
  • Regular presentations/workshops/seminars conducted with settings, parents and children
  • Regular applications for grant funding for OSHC projects

Food Foundations


Educators and cooks in early years settings need support to promote and provide healthy meals and snacks to children attending their setting


Food Foundations provides professional and expert information to early childhood staff including recipes, food safety ideas, nutrition information and more

Food Foundations offers many services to early childhood settings such as professional development, menu assessments, food safety appraisals, resources, website access and professional advice from qualified staff


A state-wide membership of approximately 550 early years settings

Contact – Healthy @ Home

    Make an Enquiry

    Enquiry Type*



    Email Address*




    Contact Details
    6/100 Campbell St
    Bowen Hills, QLD, 4006
    07 3257 4393
    07 3257 4616
    Office Hours:
    Mon – Fri 9am – 3:30pm

    Menu Planner

    Designed by dietitians, Healthy Food Healthy Planet is a website for the community to access:

    • healthy recipes
    • a 6 week menu planner for both couples/singles and families

    Click here to visit the Healthy Food Healthy Planet website

    Training and Services – Healthy @ Home

    We offer a variety of educational services that provide valuable, practical health and nutrition information for workplace environments and community settings.

    Poor eating and lifestyle habits can contribute to many chronic health conditions including heart disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer and general illness. Nutrition education is a key ingredient to empower individuals with the knowledge for preventing many of the chronic health conditions associated with poor diet and lifestyle.

    For more information regarding our services, please visit the Community and Workplace Training and Services page.


    Our Community & Workplace Services are regularly delivered to a wide range of organisations throughout a variety of industries, including most recently:

    • Government Departments
    • City Councils
    • Transport Organisations
    • Accounting and Law firms
    • Private Food Businesses
    • Shift Working Factories
    • TAFE and Universities
    • Call Centres
    • Mining Industry
    • Small Businesses and Community Organisations
    • Gaming Industry plus many more

    For more information regarding our training and services please contact us.

    Phone: (07) 3257 4393


    About – Healthy @ Work & Home

    We offer a variety of educational services that provide valuable, practical health and nutrition information for workplace environments and community settings.

    Poor eating and lifestyle habits can contribute to many chronic health conditions including heart disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer and general illness. Nutrition education is a key ingredient to empower individuals with the knowledge for preventing many of the chronic health conditions associated with poor diet and lifestyle.

    For more information regarding our services, please visit the Community and Workplace Training and Services page.

    Our Community & Workplace Services are regularly delivered to a wide range of organisations throughout a variety of industries, including most recently:

    • Government Departments
    • City Councils
    • Transport Organisations
    • Accounting and Law firms
    • Private Food Businesses
    • Shift Working Factories
    • TAFE and Universities
    • Call Centres
    • Mining Industry
    • Small Businesses and Community Organisations
    • Gaming Industry plus many more

    Contact Us

    Phone: (07) 3257 4393

    Fax: (07) 3257 4616



    Office Hours: 9am-4pm


    Tuckshop Convenors – How is your menu faring?

    As school tuckshop/ canteen convenors, many of you will have just gone through the process of preparing your menus for term 1 2013!  No doubt you are all now fully in the swing of preparing these menus in your tuckshop.  It is however, it is a good idea to review your menu 2-3 weeks into the term to check how it is going.  Here are some things to consider: Wraps_smallWhat is your situation and capacity to prepare and store potential menu items. Reflect on your menu, are you managing ok?  If not, consider making some of your more involved menu items, weekly specials.  You could also reduce the size of your menu by cutting out some AMBER items. 


    Double check your menu is consistent with the Smart Choices Strategy.

    Label reading can be confusing and products can change composition.  Sometimes items or ingredients you thought were AMBER are actually RED.  It is good practice to double check that you are not supplying any RED items.  Pay particular attention to the serve size of your packaged snacks and drinks.  Contact our Food Smart Schools team on (07) 3257 4393 or via email – if you need some assistance.


    Is your menu dominated by GREEN items?

    By reducing AMBER items and having more GREEN items on your menu you decrease the “competition” against GREEN items and send the right message to students and parents.

    Our top tips to make sure your menu is dominated by GREEN items areFruit_Scones_small:

    • Reduce the number of amber items on the menu
    • Make some AMBER foods only available on certain days of the week
    • Offer more variety by including a variety of daily green style specials to reduce the amount of preparation work needed each day



    Items are unlikely to sell if you do not promote them.  Think about:

    • Presentation
    • Positioning
    • Pricing
    • Promotion (eg – specials, meal deals, catchy names, posters, photos)


    Are the products you sell at your canteen/ tuckshop in line with the intent of the Smart Choices Strategy?

    When developing the Smart Choices strategy it was difficult to know in advance all the types of products food industry would develop and adapt for schools.  So when making a decision about whether to include a product on your menu, ask yourself “Is this in line with what the strategy is trying to achieve?”  If you can not easily answer this question, the product probably is best left off your menu.


    Check Your Menu – Food Smart Schools Menu Reviews


    Food Smart Schools tuckshop and canteen menu reviews are the most comprehensive in Queensland.  Schools are provided with:

    • An individualised written report, highlighting areas of success and detailing any areas for improvement. 
    • An outline of your current menu composition
    • Meal, snack and serving suggestions tailored to your school.

    Food Smart Schools Dietitians can provide ongoing support to assist you with implementing suggested changes following the menu review.   Visit our menu review page for more information today.



    Food Smart Schools understands the importance for school tuckshops and canteens to be recognised for their hard work in improving menus.  Schools that have had their menu reviewed by Food Smart Schools may have the opportunity to display the Food Smart Schools menu review stamp on their menu.

    Menu Planner

    Designed by dietitians, Healthy Food Healthy Planet is a menu planner website for the community to access:

    • Healthy recipes
    • 6 week Menu Plans for both couples/singles and families

    Click here to visit the Healthy Food Healthy Planet website


    For more information regarding current and past initiatives please contact us.

    Phone – (07) 3257 4393

    Email –


    Training and Services – Community & Workplace

    Healthy At Work offers a wide range of activities for your workplace focused on promoting good nutrition and general wellbeing.  These activities include:

    • Nutrition Education Sessions – designed to educate and inspire healthy eating habits.
    • Cooking Demonstrations – a lively and fun way for employees to learn about healthy eating and cooking. Taste tests included.
    • Cooking Workshops –  a hands on cooking experience where employees become the chefs. A great team bonding activity.
    • One-on-one Diet Assessments – employees have the opportunity the see a Dietitian on-site to have their eating habits assessed and individual questions answered.
    • Canteen Menu Reviews – a menu review by a Dietitian can identify areas for improvement to increase the availabilty of healthy options for employees.

    For a complete list of our current services, download our Workplace Services List.

    Take a look at the FREE resources and fact sheets available from Healthy At Work.


    More Information

    For more information regarding our services, or to obtain a quote please contact us.

    Phone: (07) 3257 4393


    Office hours: Mon – Fri 9:00 – 4:00 pm




    Healthy Lunchboxes Key to Focus and Learning in Classroom

    The humble lunchbox and its contents have certainly had plenty of media attention this year.  If you are feeling overwhelmed with all this info, we’ve simplified it for you. Regular and healthy meals and snacks including both carbohydrate and protein improve memory and learning.  A healthy lunchbox can help children and adolescents stay focussed and concentrate in the classroom, helping learning performance and behaviour. 

    Here are our top tips for a healthy lunchbox:


    Tip 1: Balance

    Include something from each of the 5 food groups:

    • Bread, rolls, wraps, pita, fruit loaf, corn or rice cakes, crisp bread, pikelets, cereal, rice, pasta, noodles, quinoa
    • Vegetables and salad – fresh, cooked or canned
    • Fruit – fresh, frozen, tinned in natural juice
    • Dairy – cheese, milk, yoghurt or custard
    • Meat or meat alternative – chicken, ham, roast meat, boiled egg, canned fish, baked beans

    Once you something from all these groups, the combinations are endless. See here for some great options:

    Super Lunchbox Combos



    Tip 2: Keep it Cool & Safe

    As you know, food safety is a serious issue, this is especially the case when talking about lunchboxes. Here are some ideas to keep your child’s lunch cool and safe.

    • Make sure the food and drink are cold before packing them into the lunchbox. You can do this by using frozen bread slices or rolls (cut in half before freezing) to make sandwiches or make the sandwiches/rolls the night before and freeze.
    • A cold/frozen drink bottle is a great idea but remember once your child has finished the drink it will no longer keep the food cold. Use an ice brick as well.
    • Keep food and drinks in the fridge until your child leaves for school.
    • Once home from school throw out any perishable food or drinks not consumed.
    • Clean the lunch box and containers in warm soapy water after each use.


    Tip 3: Keep it Interesting

    Kids are more likely to eat their lunch if they have a say about what goes in:

    • Go shopping together and let them choose the fruit
    • Get kids involved in making food for their lunch, eg. fruit or savoury muffins, pikelets, mini pizzas or savoury rice. These can be made over the weekend and frozen for use during the week ahead.

    Make sandwiches more exciting by cutting them into different shapes – cookie cutters work well for this

    Use various types of bread, such as, rolls, wraps or pita bread as an interesting alternative to a sandwich

    Together with your child, make a list of ‘favourite lunches for the week’ – this helps ensure food variety, which is good for health, and will keep your child interested in lunch

    Occasionally add a surprise to your child’s lunchbox such as coloured serviettes, notes, stickers or a flower

    If you find your child is starting to bring back home more and more food in their lunchbox each day, it is time to try something new


    Want more tips and ideas – see our lunch box fact sheets

    Ideas for Sandwich Fillings

    Lunchbox – Food Safety

    Healthy Snacks for Children

    Lunchbox menu planning

      Click Here


    A note for teachers:

    Nutrition Australia Qld does not support the practice of “lunchbox inspections”.  School lunches packed by parents can reflect:

    • Personal choice & family income
    • Parental knowledge about health and nutrition
    • Cultural differences

    If children’s lunchboxes are used as part of a lesson, its important that students do not feel judged or or criticised because of its contents – rather aim only to facilitate discussion.

    Community Campaigns


    National Nutrition Week


    13th – 19th October 2013


    More details coming soon…

    Training and Services – Community Projects & Services

    Community Projects

    We partner with organisations to deliver a range of food, nutrition, menu planning and food safety training and education opportunities and activities.   If your organisation is interested in partnering with us, please contact us.  We can assist with preparing grant applications to fund our services.  Click here to download our Community Services List.

    For an overview of a selection of our current and past community projects, view our community projects portfolio.

    Please contact us for more information:

    Phone: (07) 3257 4393


    Accredited Training for Disadvantaged Youth

    We can offer opportunities for groups of teenagers with low literacy levels to work towards obtaining a statement of attainment for -SITXFSA101: Use hygienic practices for food safety.  The training is hands on and interactive.

    Please contact us for more information:

    Phone: (07) 3257 4393

    Email: Robin Tilse –

    Your Healthy Life Initiative

    The aim of the Your Healthy Life Initiative is to help more Queenslanders, in particular, newly arrived refugees, to discover the lifelong benefits of healthy eating habits.  

    Please contact us for more information:

    Phone: (07) 3257 4393

    Email: Robin Tilse –


    Presentations – Aged Care

    Nutrition Education Sessions and Staff In-Services

    NAQ Nutrition will visit your facility to conduct nutrition education sessions, workshops and in-services specifically tailored to meet the needs of your facility and your staff. We will provide up to date education information and staff training on a variety of topics in sessions ranging from 45 minutes to full day seminars or workshops. Popular topics include:

    Malnutrition and Nutrition Screening

    Topics include:

    Understanding malnutrition

    Screening methods

    Strategies to prevent and manage malnutrition

    Managing Food and Drink when Swallowing Problems Occur

    Topics include:

    • The Australian Standards
    • Understanding dysphagia
    • Achieving optimal nutrition and hydration
    • Successfully thickening fluids

    Dementia and Nutrition

    Topics include:

    • Understanding dementia
    • Achieving optimal nutrition
    • Finger Foods

    Using High Energy – High Protein Supplements

    Topics include:

    • Clients/ Patients requiring additional nutrition support
    • High Protein High Energy Diets as first line treatment
    • When and how to use supplement drinks and modules

    Nutrition and Wound Care

    Topics include:

    • Risk factors for wounds
    • Nutrition in the prevention of wounds
    • Nutrition in the treatment of wounds

    Menu Planning

    Topics include:

    • Nutrition and the elderly
    • Planning a nutritious menu in line with the Commonwealth Accreditation Standards
    • Catering for special diets

    Safe Food Handling

    Topics include:

    • Basic food hygiene principles
    • Safe food storage and temperature control
    • Cooling and reheating food and avoiding food contamination

    Discounts apply for Aged Care Nutrition Advisory Service Subscribers.

    For further information or to discuss your facilities needs, please contact our office.

    Office hours: Mon – Fri 9:00 – 4:00 pm
    PH: (07) 3257 4393
    Email: Loretta /

    Menu Assessments – Aged Care

    NAQ Nutrition conducts a thorough menu assessment and review process in line with the Commonwealth Accreditation Standards, and the Australian Dietary Guidelines and offers  practical recommendations for improvement.

    To discuss your facilities needs and for quotes please contact the Aged Care Nutrition Advisory Service. Discounts apply for members.

    For further information, please contact our office.

    Office hours: Mon – Fri 9:00 – 4:00 pm
    PH: (07) 3257 4393
    Email: Loretta /

    Request a Quote:

    Complete the Request a Menu Assessment Quote form and fax to Nutrition Australia Qld on (07) 3257 4616

    Training and Services – Aged Care

    Food Safety Supervisor Courses

    Our Food Safety Supervisor course meets the requirements of Nationally Recognised Training and has been especially developed to meet the needs of staff working in aged care settings.

    Upon completion, students achieve a Statement of Attainment for the following units of competency:

    • HLTFS207C: Follow basic food safety practices
    • HLTFS309C: Oversee the day to day implementation of food safety in the workplace
    • HLTFS310C: Apply and monitor food safety requirements

    The course consists of one full day face to face, with a written workbook to be completed.

    Click here for more information.

    Specialised programs and activities

    We can also tailor nutrition, menu planning or food safety education opportunities and activities to meet the needs of your facility, please contact us for more information and a quote.

    More information

    For further information, please contact our office.

    Office hours: Mon – Fri 9:00 – 4:00 pm
    PH: (07) 3257 4393
    Email: Loretta Howard – /

    OSHC Services

    Nutrition and Food Safety Support

    Food Safety Supervisor Course

    • – Full day course

    – Meets the requirements of Nationally Recognised Training

    – Upon completion of the course units HLTFS207C, HLTFS310C and HLTFS309C, a Statement of Attainment will be awarded


    Food Safety Desktop Audit

    – An off-site audit completed by our Queensland Health Authorised Third-Party Auditor

    – Involves a review of your Food Safety Program

    – A comprehensive report will be compiled and submitted to your local council


    Food Safety Onsite Compliance Audit

    – Includes on site visit conducted by our Queensland Health Authorised Third-Party Auditor

    – A comprehensive report that will be submitted to your local council


    Menu Assessment

    – Includes onsite visit and comprehensive report

    – Consensus from Australian Dietary Guidelines and Queensland Health


    Food Safety Appraisal

    – Includes onsite visit to observe and appraise food hygiene and handling procedures

    – Reviews policies and protocols against current legislation

    For more information on our Nutrition and Food Safety services please click here.


    Workshops and Presentations

    All courses, workshops and presentations are designed to reflect The National Quality Framework – Standard 2.2 and The My Time, Our Place Framework

    Meeting the new Nutrition & Food Safety Requirements in OSHC Settings

    • 120 minute workshop designed to raise awareness and understanding of nutrition and food safety in OSHC settings

    Safe Food Handling Workshop

    • 90 minute workshop on basic food hygiene principles and includes a mini Food Safety Appraisal of your facility

    Meeting the New Nutrition Requirements in OSHC Settings

    • 90 minute workshop linking the My Time, Our Place Framework and the National Quality Standards

    Allergies and Intolerance’s in OSHC Settings

    • 120 minute workshop on the differences between allergies and intolerances

    Food and Behaviour Workshop

    • 90 minute workshop on how eating patterns can affect children’s behaviour

    For more information on our workshops and presentations, please click here.

    Parent Education Services

    Food and Behaviour Workshop

    • 90 minute workshop tailored to parents of children 0-8years

    Parent Nutrition Workshop

    • 60 minute workshop including practical advice for parents of young children

    Parent Nutrition Workshop with Healthy Snack Demonstration

    • 90 minute workshop including taste testing of various healthy snacks for children

    For more information on our parent education services, please click here.

    Food Safety Supervisor – OSHC

    NAQ Nutrition Training is a Registered Training Organisation, delivering nationally recognised training Australia wide. All Queensland licensable food businesses, which may include OSHC settings, are required to have a qualified Food Safety Supervisor and a Food Safety Program.

    Even if your setting isn’t required to be a licensable food business, it is a great qualification to have to ensure current safe food handling practices are adhered to at your setting. Contact your local council if you are unsure whether you need to be a licensed food business.

    NAQ Nutrition Training’s Food Safety Supervisor course meets the requirements of Nationally Recognised Training and has been especially developed to meet the needs of staff working in OSHC settings.

    Upon completion of the course, students will achieve a Statement of Attainment for the units of competency:

    • HLTFS207C Follow basic food safety practices
    • HLTFS310C Apply and monitor food safety requirements
    • HLTFS309C Oversee the day to day implementation of food safety in the workplace

    Click here for more information.