Food Foundations

Menu Assessments

Food Foundations Training and Services

Menu Assessments are an excellent way to ensure your early childhood setting is providing children with 50% of their daily nutritional requirements through morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea. These daily nutritional requirements were formed through a consensus from a combination of information from the Australian Dietary Guidelines and Queensland Health.

A Food Foundations menu assessment can include up to a 4 week menu cycle. One of our Food Foundations Dietitians/Nutritionists will visit your setting to meet with the director and/or cook to discuss current menu items and recipes. For rural and remote settings, this consultation can be done over the phone.

Following the consultation, the Dietitian/Nutritionist will prepare a bound report outlining the current status of your menu and number of serves provided each day from the 5 food groups. The report will also suggest possible improvements to the menu to ensure it provides children with 50% of their daily nutritional requirements each day.

Food Foundations Menu Assessments are an excellent way to demonstrate compliance with the National Quality Standards, in particular Element 2.2.1 – Healthy eating is promoted and food and drinks provided by the service are nutritious and appropriate for each child.

For more information or to make a booking please contact Food Foundations:

Office hours: Mon – Fri 9:00am – 4:00pm

Ph: (07) 3257 4393
