
It’s the most wonderful time of the year!


We would like to give you ideas about how easy it is to make and enjoy delicious Christmas style recipes and snacks and still keep up the healthy eating habits.

There are plenty of Christmas style recipes that use the fantastic summer fruits and vegetables as ingredients, and the best news is, most of our well known and loved recipes from years gone by can always be ‘tweaked’ and created using alternatives that are lower in fat, salt, sugar and low in fuss!

A healthy example is to substitute the recipe for famous Choc Balls (aka Rum Balls), using plenty of sun-dried fruit as a base and adding Weet-Bix for bulk with desiccated coconut and cocoa as usual. To ‘tweak’ a Plum Pudding and make it lower in fat, use low fat milk in the recipe and use the tastiest fresh plums in season, rather than canned varieties that may contain added sugar.

If you’re offered a platter of tasty treats or if creating and serving up the snacks yourself, keep an eye on portion size to help prevent overindulgence. Its OK for everyone to enjoy treats in moderation as a small part of a balanced diet, but make sure you include plenty of healthy fruit and vegetable options too.

Check out our healthy recipes from the Healthy Food Healthy Planet website below!


Christmas OSHC

Merry Berry Trifle

Fruity Christmas Tree

No Bake Christmas Puds (our favourite!)

Christmas Party Nibbles:

Tomato and Basil Brushetta

Zucchini Roll Ups

Spicy Tomato and Corn Salsa

Moroccan Hommus


Caprese Lettuce Cups


Another important note during the festive season and summer is to drink plenty of water and encourage children to do the same. This helps prevent dehydration and think clearly, and helps avoid anyone looking or feeling like poor Rudolf with his shiny red nose!

If you would like any more information about suggested tips and ideas for a festive yet healthy Christmas season, please contact our office  on 07 3257 4393  or email