
The Australian Dietary Guidelines and Australian Guide to Healthy Eating provide up to date advice about the amounts and kinds of foods that we need to eat for healthy and wellbeing. Our dietary patterns are made up of foods and …

Should children attending OSHC settings be served full or reduced fat dairy products? Nutrition Benefits: Dairy foods offer a rich source of important nutrients for children. These nutrients include protein, calcium, vitamin B2 (riboflavin), fat soluble vitamins, and some essential …

Membership renewals for the 2013-2014 year are upon us. This year we are doing things a little differently with our new website. We are offering the option to renew your membership using Paypal, and you will recieve notification via our …

  Did you Know? Queensland Schools saved nearly $4m using the Department’s Standing Offer Arrangements (SOA) for the 2012 school year. The Department of Education’s procurement unit can help your school whether you are a government, or a non government …

  Malnutrition is a significant issue in aged care and an independent risk factor for the development of Pressure Ulcers. Therefore it follows that adequate nutrition can play an important role in the healing of Pressure Ulcers. Pressure Ulcers can …

The Nutrition for OSHC program is excited to be launching our ‘new look’ this March! Formally the Nutrition for Outside School Hours Care Advisory Service, NOSHC will continue to serve settings throughout Qld, to assist them meet their nutrition and food …

As school tuckshop/ canteen convenors, many of you will have just gone through the process of preparing your menus for term 1 2013!  No doubt you are all now fully in the swing of preparing these menus in your tuckshop.  …

The end of term 4 is a time to reflect on the year that was and prepare for the year ahead. The Food Smart Schools Team asked Jocelyn Ashcroft from Tuckshop and Canteen Management Consultants for her thoughts on what …

The humble lunchbox and its contents have certainly had plenty of media attention this year.  If you are feeling overwhelmed with all this info, we’ve simplified it for you. Regular and healthy meals and snacks including both carbohydrate and protein …

Malnutrition is a significant issue in Aged Care.  Malnutrition is a condition resulting from inadequate dietary intake or impaired digestion of nutrients.  The negative consequences of malnutrition can severely affect a resident’s quality of life and place an increased burden …

Gastro-oesophageal Reflux (sometimes referred to simply as reflux or GOR) occurs when the stomach contents, including acid, move back up into the oesophagus, causing irritation. This is often referred to as ‘heart burn’ and feels like a burning sensation behind …

For residents receiving enteral feeding (e.g. via nasogastric tube or PEG tube), symptoms such as nausea and bloating are commonly reported. Nausea and bloating associated with enteral feeding may be caused by various factors, so it is important to involve …

Falls are a major cause of injury in older people. According to the National Falls Prevention Plan for Older People, people over the age of 65 are at a greater risk of sustaining an injury from a fall. The risk …

Dementia affects over 400,000 people living in Australia and almost 50 million people worldwide1,2. The cognitive impairment experienced by people living with dementia can make many everyday behaviours, which are seemingly easy, become difficult. As such, mealtime problems are commonly …