Our Nutrition in Outside School Hours Care (NOSHC) Program can help ensure that OSHC settings throughout Queensland and the Northern Territories can meet and exceed the food and nutrition related principles of the National Quality Standards (NQS) and My Time Our Place Framework

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As educators and specialists in the industry you play an invaluable role to our children’s futures. Health and nutrition play an integral part of every child’s life.  Ensuring children have access to nutritious and safely prepared meals will improve their …

We would like to give you ideas about how easy it is to make and enjoy delicious Christmas style recipes and snacks and still keep up the healthy eating habits. There are plenty of Christmas style recipes that use the …

Did you know that inadequate cooking was found to be the cause of more than a quarter of all food poisoning outbreaks between 1980 and 1995? Food must be cooked to a high enough temperature to destroy most bacteria and …

Healthy lunchboxes play a role in developing lifelong healthy eating habits.     Healthy lunches and lunchboxes can help develop an understanding of: The importance of eating a variety of whole foods The relationship between food, growth and development and which foods …

Lean Meats update from the new Dietary Guidelines This week, we look at the lean meats and poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds and legume/beans group. This group is a good source of many nutrients, including protein, iron, zinc, …

Grain (cereal foods), mostly wholegrain and /or high cereal fibre varieties such as breads, cereals, rice, pasta, noodles, polenta, cous cous, oats, quinoa, and barley   More specifically, this group includes; Breads – wholemeal, wholegrain, white, rye, pita, lavash, naan, foccacia, …

Need To support OSHC facilitators in their role of providing and promoting healthy and safe foods and drinks to students attending their setting. Solution NAQ’s NOSHC program is Qld’s leading program for nutrition information, food safety tips, recipes and more. Our team …

We have come across a few of our NOSHC subscribers who are starting to use online grocery shopping as a means to get their food delivered to their setting. For those settings who can easily access this service, it can …

We often get queries with regards to certain items on OSHC menus. Quite often, settings will specifically ask about Coles Brand foods – as they are usually a cheaper alternative. The table below outlines some common Coles products that we …

The Australian Dietary Guidelines and Australian Guide to Healthy Eating provide up to date advice about the amounts and kinds of foods that we need to eat for healthy and wellbeing. Our dietary patterns are made up of foods and …

Should children attending OSHC settings be served full or reduced fat dairy products? Nutrition Benefits: Dairy foods offer a rich source of important nutrients for children. These nutrients include protein, calcium, vitamin B2 (riboflavin), fat soluble vitamins, and some essential …

Membership renewals for the 2013-2014 year are upon us. This year we are doing things a little differently with our new website. We are offering the option to renew your membership using Paypal, and you will recieve notification via our …

Food Safety Supervisor Course for Early Years & OSHC settings   This is a nationally recognised course. Upon successful completion of the course a statement of attainment for units, HLTFS207C – Follow basic food safety practices, HLTFS309C – Oversee the …

The Nutrition for OSHC program is excited to be launching our ‘new look’ this March! Formally the Nutrition for Outside School Hours Care Advisory Service, NOSHC will continue to serve settings throughout Qld, to assist them meet their nutrition and food …

Nutrition and Food Safety Support Food Safety Supervisor Course – Full day course – Meets the requirements of Nationally Recognised Training – Upon completion of the course units HLTFS207C, HLTFS310C and HLTFS309C, a Statement of Attainment will be awarded   …

NAQ Nutrition Training is a Registered Training Organisation, delivering nationally recognised training Australia wide. All Queensland licensable food businesses, which may include OSHC settings, are required to have a qualified Food Safety Supervisor and a Food Safety Program. Even if your setting …

Food Safety Desktop Audit OSHC settings that are required to be a licensable food business are required to have a food safety program, which is to be submitted for approval to your local government authority. OSHC staff member, Laura Cella …

A Food Safety Appraisal can help to identify if your service is carrying out appropriate safe food handling practices and providing a safe food environment for children and staff. A Food Safety Appraisal is intended for OSHC settings that are …

Menu assessments are a great way to check if the foods that your OSHC setting is providing are healthy and will promote health and wellbeing to the students at your centre. All menus are assessed against the Smart Choices Healthy …